Peer review- Celia’s memoir

Hi Celia,

I just wanted to start by saying thank you for sharing your story. It is often hard to talk about mental health struggles, but by sharing your story you could be helping someone else who needs it. I am always here to talk if you need a friend!

-In the third paragraph, I can imagine how the conversation was, and the dynamic of the household based on the details in the paragraph. Excellent job explaining thoroughly what was going on. Are you able to add a little more detail of what your parents said? Or your response to them? (of course, only if you are comfortable sharing!) I feel like that would add a little more detail to help strengthen the paragraph.

-Scene paragraphs :1, 2, 3 and 5. Summary paragraphs: 4 and 6

-I believe the main message of this essay was to explain how outside situations and stressors can affect your physical and mental health. You talked about some extremely tough times you experienced that negatively affected your relationship with food. However, the closing paragraph explains how you overcame those obstacles. My favorite line is in the closing paragraph. “Recovering from an eating disorder is a challenging but rewarding journey. It involves more than just restoring a healthy relationship with food; it’s about rebuilding self-esteem, fixing emotional issues, and developing new coping mechanisms.” I like how you acknowledged that while it is hard, it is also rewarding. I feel like that mindset can be used in many aspects of life, and it also helps to reiterate the overall message of your essay.

-I think the timeframe is accurate and understandable. It starts while in high school, through the COVID-19 pandemic, and ends in the present time. My only suggestion would be to possibly add a time frame to paragraph three. It might give the reader more of an insight into when that event happened rather than just a broad range of high school. I think that the opening and closing paragraphs are strong and engaging to the reader.

-As stated above, I really liked the opening and closing paragraphs. The opening paragraph sets the scene for the essay. It was very detailed and made me want to continue reading. The closing paragraph was a good reflection of the events described in the essay. Great job!

Essay 1- Family Traditions

Family traditions and food are closely related in many ways. Food is commonly used to create memories and traditions, whether a certain recipe or a particular type of food. These food items can provoke traditions, which helps to create meaningful memories and build relationships among families and friends. Growing up in a blended family, we always found a way to celebrate anything and everything. Birthdays, graduations, sporting events, holidays; you name it, we are celebrating it. For context, I am one of seven, so it is fair to say we always have something to celebrate. Family is particularly important to me, and over the years we have used food and community to connect.  

Every Sunday, we have a family dinner at my dad’s house. It is something I look forward to every week. There is nothing better than spending valued time with family after a long week of work, school, and everything else in between. My husband, my puppy Rue and I head from Fall River to Bridgewater, anticipating the delicious food and family time we are going to have. My stepmom is an amazing cook, so we know there will always be something good to eat. Upon arriving, my little nephews, Mason and Miles come running to the door to greet us. Rue barks to announce our presence. The aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air. Fresh pasta sauce is sizzling on the stove, the pasta is boiling, and the meatballs are cooking in the crock pot. The little ones create placemats for everyone, and they take a seat at the “little kid table.” Fresh bread with creamy butter is passed around the table, and it is finally time to eat. Even Rue gets her own special puppy food. Unwinding and enjoying a great family meal is the perfect way to start the week.  

There is never any particular topic that is discussed during family dinners, which is what makes it interesting and amusing. Of course, we often discuss typical things such as work, school, and sports, but we also have more meaningful conversations and learn more about each other. We have discussed things such as our career aspirations and future goals. Oftentimes, the kids chime in and talk about their extra-curricular activities that they are enthusiastic about. These conversations often provoke memories of childhood, and everyone goes around sharing their stories and memories.  

Once everyone is finished with their dinner, obviously it is time for the best part; dessert! My stepmom grabs her apron and mixing bowl and begins making her infamous banana bread. While she is preparing, the rest of us head outside to the backyard. The fresh smell of a cool, summer night fills the air as we prepare to play corn hole. The grass is always freshly mowed and there are many colorful, beautiful flowers surrounding us. I often take the time to just appreciate the small things such as nature and family time. The oven beeps, and the fresh banana bread is ready to eat.  

Each family is different, but a common denominator for many is coming together to enjoy food and quality time together. Spending time together and strengthening our relationships with each other is something I truly value. Whether it is a celebration, cookout, or holiday, the concept always remains the same. Quality family time with great food brings us all together. It is so important to value family time while you still have it. Life is short, cherish it while you can!  

Essay 1 ideas- food memoir

Ideas I intend to write about:

  • Traditions/holidays
  • Sunday afternoon dinners with family. My family is really big so there is usually a lot of us
  • Pizza Fridays
  • Brother in law is always grilling, no matter what the weather is outside.
  • Types of food usually varies based on season
  • Examples:
    • Football Sundays: a lot of snacks (chips, salsa, buffalo chicken dip, chili)
    • Summertime: BBQ food (burgers, hot dogs, grilling outside in the backyard)
    • Winter: warm/cozy food (soup, pasta)
  • Traditions and food types change based on season but the overall goal is the same, spending quality time with family.
  • When did the tradition start?
  • Describe what we talk about at dinners
  • Kids running around, eating ice cream before dinner, every time.
  • My puppy always begs people to feed her, she is a part of the family.
  • The importance of family and spending time together, nostalgia.
  • Favorite memories

This will hopefully all come together and make sense in essay form!

Corn tastes better on the Honor system

“Corn tastes better on the Honor system” elaborates on the evolution of corn and how it was and is used by different groups of people. Typically, when people think of corn, they picture the actual food. However, the author, Robin Wall Kimmerer explains that it is so much more than that. People once valued corn as “a tangible link to history and identity and cultural continuity in the face of all the forces that sought to erase them.” Corn was not just a food; it was a part of the Indigenous people’s spirituality and culture. Corn not only provided physical benefits but spiritual benefits as well. In modern day society, corn is typically no longer handled by humans, but rather factories and manufacturers. It has evolved so much over time, as it is now mostly used to feed livestock. This is much different than its original purpose.  

The author’s main purpose in this essay was to explain the evolution and differences of corn then versus now. She explains many physical, spiritual, and generational differences of the plant. A targeted audience would be scientists; however I think this essay could really cater to anyone as it is deeper than just corn as it is.  

It took me a while to catch on to what the author was trying to depict. However, after reading some of the paragraphs again, it became easier to understand.  

I found it interesting when the author shared details on what corn is used for today. The United States produces the world’s largest amount of corn, totaling to over 90 million acres. Most of the corn is actually used to feed livestock. I also thought it was interesting that “less than ten percent of the US corn crop ever finds its way to your table, and much of that is in the form of high fructose corn syrup in soda and processed foods.” This shows that something intended to be good evolved into something completely different. 

An example of effective specific detail in this essay is this specific quote: “As I carry my seeds to the garden, I can hear the growl of my neighbor’s tractor and catch a whiff of the ammonia fertilizer that he is spraying on the fields.” I feel like I am present in that moment based on the author’s explanation. It is easy to imagine that scene as the word choice is powerful.  

Another example that stood out to me is this quote: “The women who gave me these seeds make it a practice that every single seed in their care is touched by human hands. In harvesting, shelling, sorting, each one feels the tender regard of its partner, the human.” This is another example of strong word choices. The author explained in great detail how the seeds were handled. 

Lastly, the following example stood out to me as an example of strong word choice. “The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, enticing even the most reluctant of passersby to stop and indulge in a warm slice.” This is another example where the author made it easy to imagine being in the moment based on the choice of words.

TED Talk- “What’s a food allergy- and what’s not?”

In Dr. Jen Gunter’s Ted talk titled “What’s a food allergy, and what’s not?”, she explains the similarities and differences between food allergies, food intolerances and autoimmune diseases. As someone who struggles with food allergies, it is important for people to know the differences between an allergy and an intolerance. Dr. Gunter describes a food allergy as “the body’s immune system responding to specific proteins in certain foods.” She then explains triggers for common allergies such as peanuts and shellfish. She then explains that food allergies often happen quickly, rather than lingering. Common symptoms of food allergies are hives, swelling, wheezing and trouble breathing. To summarize, the body’s immune system sees certain foods as a threat, which causes the allergic reaction. Allergic reactions can be mild, severe, and even life threatening. It is important to act fast if you or someone you know is having a true allergic reaction.  

On the other hand, Dr. Gunter explains a food intolerance as “the body having trouble digesting certain foods.” Food intolerances are not related to the body’s immune system. A common food intolerance for many people is lactose intolerance. This is a sensitivity to dairy products. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating and nausea. She explains that food intolerances can happen quickly, but they can also linger and have side effects lasting multiple days. I have never researched food intolerance before, so it was interesting to hear a doctor review the similarities and differences between intolerance and allergies. She also explained that food intolerance tests that are conducted at home are not always accurate and to consult with a doctor if you are having issues. I have heard of at home intolerance tests before but was not aware that they were not always accurate. Dr. Gunter’s Ted talk was very thorough and explained everything simply for everyone to be able to understand. Millions of people suffer from both allergies and intolerances; therefore, it is crucial for people to know the differences.  

  • References
    • Gunter, J., Dr. . What’s a food allergy- and what’s not? [TED Talk].


Writing is an important part of our everyday lives. Growing up, I did not necessarily love writing, but I also did not mind doing it. I have vague memories of writing on wide-spaced yellow paper for state testing as a child, this was way before everything was digital. For context, I graduated high school ten years ago, so it has been a while since I have taken a formal class on writing. Last semester, I did have one essay assignment and was shocked to have received an A, as it had been a long time since I had written a formal essay. I do write every day for my job as an insurance referral coordinator; however, it is very informal and we use a lot of medical abbreviations, making it much different than formal writing. Overall, I feel neutral about writing, but I hope to strengthen my writing skills to excel in my classes and career.  

As a writer, I do struggle with expressing my thoughts sometimes. I feel as if it is hard for me to express what I want to convey in just a few sentences. It is often difficult for me to begin an essay and end an essay. I am comfortable with the body paragraphs when I am writing about something that I am educated on, as they come more naturally than the opening and closing paragraphs. This semester, I would love to learn tips and tricks on how to construct appealing opening and closing paragraphs for formal essays and writings. As a paralegal student research and writing will be essential, therefore I want to be the best I can be. I am excited to learn and grow this semester!